Stock Campaigns
A campaign is a way to keep in touch or establish email contact with clients, prospects, etc. Agent Access has seven stock campaigns that you can easily utilize. Let’s take a closer look at each one:
- Welcome New Client: Just turn it on, and it does everything else for you. When someone visits your website and registers, they will automatically receive three emails from you over the next 21 days. Note: This campaign is not done if you added the client in Agent Access; only if the person registered while visiting your website.
- Monthly Newsletter: This campaign runs forever, until the person unsubscribes or you turn the campaign off. Each month, on the 2nd, your recipient gets a professionally designed and written eNewsletter (called Real Estate Advisor) containing short articles that relate to buyers, sellers, and homeowners (and those that want to be homeowners). The articles are written during the preceding month so they current and relevant. All you do is turn it on once and select who will receive it (there is also a box that says All Contacts).
- Five Additional Stock Campaigns: Buyers (Standard), First Time Buyers, Owners, Sellers, Relocation – each of these campaigns contain 4-7 emails sent over a 22-95 day period, depending on which campaign you have activated. These campaigns require you to:
- Turn them on
- Create a group to receive them
They are considered ‘Add to Group’ campaigns because you initially choose which of your contacts are to receive the emails, and then add new contacts to the group as you establish a relationship with them. Once a person has received the complete set of emails, the system just retires them from that campaign, but retains the memory that they have already received it. Therefore, it is does not send them the campaign emails again.
I recently looked at an agent’s account with all seven stock campaigns activated. My first thought was ‘uh oh, someone is bombarding new contacts.’ Then I examined who receives the campaigns and the agent did it right. Everyone was receiving the monthly newsletter, of course only new sign-ups received the Welcome campaign, and the agent had separated his contacts into groups to receive one or more of the remaining stock campaigns.
Think about it. An easy way to stay in touch with your sphere and other contacts is built right in. To see it up close, hover over Marketing, then click Campaigns.